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Kriya Yoga Festival, 15-16 June 2024

15 Juni -10:00 - 16 Juni -14:00

The 2nd International Kriya Yoga Festival with the presence of the loving Master
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Be there!

From June 15th to 16th 2024, the Kriya Yoga Festival will take place for the second time at the picturesque nature park area of the Dorstadt manor (Rittergut Dorstadt) near Wolfenbüttel in honor of the great Indian Kriya Yogis.

The focus will be on the anniversary of Paramahamsa Hariharananda, who came to the West exactly 50 years ago to convey his message of peace and all-encompassing love in the succession of Paramahamsa Yogananda.

Under the motto “Peace in Consciousness – Peace in the World” you can meditate with us, get to know interesting meditation and yoga teachers, practice yoga, sing mantras and spirit songs together, listen to spiritual lectures, meet interesting like-minded people, experience inspiring shows and artists and learn more about the transformative and uplifting power of the Kriya Yoga meditation technique and its science.

Ticket price: 129,- €,
Ticket includes Vegan & vegetarian buffet (lunch & dinner on Saturday + lunch on Sunday), all-day tea, water and juices from the jug, all workshops, meditations, lectures, concerts, music and performances.

It also includes childcare, so bring your entire Family!

A child-sitter will take care and have fun activities with children during the event, so you can fully submerge yourselves into the festival 🙂

Whole families are welcome!

*children up to 14 years old free of charge

More info: https://kriyayoga-festival.com/en/

Contact: info@kriyayoga-festival.com


15 Juni -10:00
16 Juni -14:00


Kriya Yoga Center Vienna


Dorstadt, NDS 38312 Germany
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